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by Alec Jones


骇客马拉松的感觉有点像现实中的铁人三项赛,但咖啡因含量更高 (How a hackathon is kind of like a real-life triathlon — but with more caffeine)

I’m 15, and I recently signed up for the by Product Hunt. It runs for the month of November and there are 7,950 people participating from around the world ?. Crazy!

我今年15 ,最近我通过Product Hunt注册了 。 它运行于11月,有来自世界各地的7,950人参加。 疯!

From what I’ve seen in my 3 years as a student programmer, developers love hackathons. They’re an opportunity for product makers meet up, drink Red Bulls, and stay up all night coding.

从我作为学生程序员的三年中所看到的,开发人员喜欢黑客马拉松。 这是产品制造商见面,喝红牛和熬夜编码的机会。

It’s kind of like a triathlon for developers, who often go for days with minimal sleep. It’s a hard-fought race to the finish (if you even manage to finish). And it’s a chance to compete under pressure.

对于开发人员来说,这就像铁人三项,他们经常花很少的时间睡几天。 这是一场艰苦的比赛(如果您甚至设法完成的话)。 这是在压力下竞争的机会。

黑客马拉松的三个阶段 (The three stages of a hackathon)

Shortly after I registered for the month-long event, I realized that competing in this hackathon is similar to entering a real triathlon. Just like in a regular triathlon, there are 3 stages, which all require a lot of skill and endurance:

在报名参加为期一个月的活动后不久,我意识到参加这次黑客马拉松的竞争与参加真正的铁人三项比赛相似。 就像在普通的铁人三项赛中一样,共有3个阶段,这三个阶段都需要很多技巧和耐力:

  • The first stage is about coming up with the idea (the swim).

  • The second stage is about turning the idea into something real (the cycle).

  • The third and final stage telling everyone how helpful your product is and convincing them to try it (the run).


将所有这些阶段压缩到短时间内 (Compressing all of these stages into a short moment in time)

I’ve already built something that started out as an idea. It’s called Christopher Bot, a Facebook Messenger bot that helps high school students remember their homework, and it’s been written about and and . It also got acquired! But, you can read about that .

我已经建立了一些想法。 它被称为克里斯托弗·博特(Christopher Bot),这是一个Facebook Messenger机器人,可帮助高中生记住他们的作业,并且它的写法在 , 和和 。 它也被收购了! 但是,您可以阅读有关内容。

Before choosing to work on Christopher Bot, I had lots of ideas for products to build. My dad and I talked about how some ideas catch on, and some don’t. The ideas that catch on always seem to solve a problem.

在选择从事Christopher Bot的工作之前,我对要制造的产品有很多想法。 我父亲和我谈论了一些想法如何流行,而另一些却没有。 流行的想法似乎总是可以解决问题。

If enough people have a problem and your product solves it well, and you can find a way to share your solution with those people, it has a good chance of succeeding.


I followed that advice when I chose to work on a homework bot. Students often forget what homework they’re assigned during the day, so I needed to build something that would stop people from forgetting their assignments. Christopher Bot was born.

当我选择在家庭作业机器人上工作时,我遵循了该建议。 学生们经常忘记白天分配的作业,所以我需要建立一些东西来阻止人们忘记作业。 克里斯托弗·博特(Christopher Bot)出生。

I’m using that same advice in the Product Hunt hackathon.

我在Product Hunt hackathon中使用了相同的建议。

I needed to find a problem. And in that problem, there would be a solution.

我需要找到一个问题。 在这个问题上,将有一个解决方案。

But where to begin?


游泳的想法 (Swimming for an idea)

In the Product Hunt competition, there are a bunch of existing platforms you can build for: Google Assistant, Slack, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality. You don’t have to build for any of them, but some cool prizes are awarded within these specific categories.

在Product Hunt竞赛中,您可以构建许多现有平台:Google Assistant,Slack,Blockchain,人工智能和增强现实。 您不必为其中任何一个进行构建,但是在这些特定类别中会颁发一些很酷的奖项。

Seeing these options actually made things easier for me. It narrowed down the list of possible problems to solve. All I had to do was find a problem in one of these categories.

看到这些选项实际上使我更轻松。 它缩小了可能要解决的问题的范围。 我所要做的就是在其中一个类别中发现一个问题。

I’m not yet familiar with blockchain technology… or AR or AI. So that made things even easier. Google Assistant is cool and could be interesting to develop for, but it turns out I’ve spent a fair bit of time using Slack.

我还不熟悉区块链技术……或AR或AI。 这样就使事情变得更加容易。 Google Assistant很酷,开发起来可能很有趣,但是事实证明,我花了很多时间使用Slack。

I think Slack is pretty awesome and I’ve tried out a bunch of Slack apps. So I decided to build something in the Slack category.

我认为Slack非常棒,我已经尝试了很多Slack应用。 所以我决定在Slack类别中构建一些东西。

At first, I thought about building something that would remind you about all your mentions in public channels — because once you click on a channel with a notification for you, the notification disappears and you have to respond right away or you might forget that you were mentioned.


But then came some bad news. My dad (who likes to talk these things through with me) experiences this notification problem, but he showed me that Slack already has a built-in solution.

但是随后出现了一些坏消息。 我的父亲(喜欢与我讨论这些事情)遇到了此通知问题,但他向我展示了Slack已经有内置的解决方案。

You can mark important messages where you’re mentioned as “unread”, and you can even tell Slack bot to remind you about an important message after a specific period of time.


So it was back to the drawing board for me. ☹️

所以对我来说,这已经回到了画板。 ☹️

During the same conversation where I found out that bit of disappointing news, I also noticed that there’s no easy way to DM multiple people at the same time.

在同一次对话中,我发现了一些令人失望的消息,同时我也注意到, 没有一种简单的方法可以同时让多人交往

Was this even a real problem? It turns out (based on some quick Google searches) that people have asked about how to do this in Slack — and even in products that compete with Slack.

这甚至是一个真正的问题吗? 事实证明(基于一些Google的快速搜索),人们问到如何在Slack中甚至在与Slack竞争的产品中做到这一点。

If you’re part of a big team and you want to ask multiple people the same question, but you don’t want everyone in a channel (or in a group DM) to see their responses, there’s no easy way to do it in Slack.


I checked hundreds of existing apps in the Slack app directory — and couldn’t find anything to solve this particular problem. But I found that the most popular slack apps are the ones that solved other problems for teams… another reminder that I needed to work on solving a real problem.

我在Slack应用程序目录中检查了数百个现有应用程序-找不到任何解决该特定问题的方法。 但是我发现最受欢迎的松弛应用程序是为团队解决了其他问题的应用程序……再次提醒我,我需要努力解决实际问题。

For example, getting everyone on your team to vote on something (like where to go for lunch) is a pain. So the people behind Simplepoll decided to solve that problem by enabling someone on a Slack team to easily create a quick poll, ask their team to vote, collect the responses, and count up the votes.

例如,让团队中的每个人都对某项投票(例如去哪儿吃午餐)是很痛苦的。 因此,Simplepoll背后的人们决定通过使Slack团队中的某人轻松创建快速民意调查,请其团队投票,收集响应并计算投票来解决该问题。

They found a problem common to many teams and built a nice simple solution. Which is exactly what I wanted to do.

他们发现了许多团队共同的问题,并建立了一个很好的简单解决方案。 这正是我想要做的。

My hackathon project is an idea that’s based on a real problem for Slack teams…


The problem: You want to ask multiple people the same question but you don’t want the entire team — or even a portion of the team — to see the question OR the responses. You can’t use a group DM or public channel… because everyone will see what you wrote, and see the responses (unless people are instructed to respond privately in a DM). It’s not very ideal.

问题: 您想问多个人相同的问题,但是您不希望整个团队(甚至团队的一部分)看到问题或答案。 您不能使用小组DM或公共频道…,因为每个人都可以看到您写的内容并看到答复(除非指示人们在DM中私下答复)。 这不是很理想。

Another less than ideal solution is to go down the list of team members and create a new DM, one after the other, by pasting the same message for each person. It’s so tedious that I think most people wouldn’t even bother.

另一个不太理想的解决方案是在团队成员列表中逐个粘贴每个人的相同消息,一个接一个地创建一个新的DM。 太乏味了,我想大多数人都不会打扰。

So my entry for this hackathon is called , a very simple Slack app that gives you and your team the ability to DM multiple people at the same time — using a single message, sent from any channel.

因此,我在这次黑客条目叫做 ,这是一个非常简单的Slack应用程序,它使您和您的团队能够同时使用从任何渠道发送的一条消息来同时管理多人。

(Swim stage finished!)


Let’s say you think of an important HR-related question you want to ask 5 people on your team. And let’s say you’re already in the #general channel.

假设您想到了一个与人力资源相关的重要问题,您想问团队中的5个人。 假设您已经在#general频道中。

From the channel, you would just type “/multidm @john @jane @henry @samantha @jake I need your birthdate for HR — can you please let me know ASAP?

在频道中,您只需输入“ / multidm @john @jane @henry @samantha @jake我需要您的人力资源生日-请您尽快告诉我吗?

Nobody will see the message you typed into #general. Instead, each of the 5 team members will receive a normal-looking DM from you — which they can respond to normally, and you’ll receive their answers without anyone else seeing the answers or even knowing that you asked multiple people the same question.

没有人会看到您在#general中键入的消息。 相反,这5个团队成员中的每个成员都会从您那里收到正常外观的DM-他们可以正常答复,并且您将收到他们的答案,而其他人都看不到答案,甚至不知道您向多个人提出了相同的问题。

So that’s it. Next up is the long, difficult cycling stage. ??

就是这样了。 接下来是漫长而艰难的循环阶段。 ??

If you’re interested, you can sign up to be one of the first to try .

如果您有兴趣,可以注册成为最早尝试 。

Thanks for reading about my process for choosing a product idea. Most ideas aren’t successful because they don’t solve a real problem. People use products that fix a problem.

感谢您阅读有关我选择产品创意的过程的信息。 大多数想法并不成功,因为它们不能解决真正的问题。 人们使用能够解决问题的产品。

So for your next product (or hackathon idea), first find a problem, and then go build something to solve it!




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